Books > Rainy Mornings

“Have you ever loved a lemur?
Do you know a three-toed sloth?
Would you rumba with a rhino?
Stop to pet a silver moth?”
Children will delight in the rhymes and imagery flowing on every page of Katherine Ayres’ latest book. Perfect for read-aloud sessions at the library, in the classroom, or curled up on the couch at home, this book will have you stomping in puddles, talking to worms, and chasing rivers along their rocky beds. But be careful—it just may make you want to …
“Dance in the rain with your shoes off.
Dance in the rain with a friend.
Dance to keep warm as you laugh at the storm.
Dance till the raindrops end.”
More about Rainy Mornings
What do you like? What makes you go yuck? When you have strong feelings about something, it's a great time to think about writing a poem. When I was small, I didn't like worms or spiders at all. You'll see that in Spider .
But I loved puddles and dirt.
So think about it and see if you can write about your strong opinions and maybe your words will help someone else imagine the experience you have had. Writing is about sharing--communicating with others. And it seems to work best when you have those powerful reactions--like who wants to write about chalk dust, for example? Or ceiling tiles?
So give it a try. Grab something you love, or something really yucky and write a few lines. Lots of fun!